Hi everybody!
It's been a very long time since my last entry on this blog!
Since Christmas I got hooked on English paper piecing (or EPP). I also took 2 patchwork classes where I got to learn the basics of patchwork and how to make the fancy fox pattern and also how to paper piece a log cabin block.
The motivation to take those classes was to learn how to make the binding for this project I hade in mind : a rainbow mini quilt.
I soon gathered all the colors I needed to make several hexies ans I started to baste them.

Then, I needed to join them... not bad at all for a beginner!
It took a very long time to join all those hexagons!
Almost done!
I decided to quilt it, it was my first attempt at it, it's not perfect but I like the result.
I used a fusible fleece for my batting.
A little close up on the quilting
And the finished mini quilt measuring 1 by 2!!!
I am really pleased with how it turned out!
this is the first one I've completed by myself from beginning to end! binding is getting a little easier!